Loudoun Medical Group opens MedSpa at Stone Springs | | loudountimes.com

2022-08-27 01:17:02 By : Mr. Shanon Woo

Mostly cloudy skies early, then partly cloudy after midnight. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 68F. Winds light and variable..

Mostly cloudy skies early, then partly cloudy after midnight. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 68F. Winds light and variable.

Clorissa Fischetti, FNP-BC, Jill Reilly, Licensed Master Esthetician, Laura Tricarico, RN, BSN, Katie Loeffler, RN, BSN.

Clorissa Fischetti, FNP-BC, Jill Reilly, Licensed Master Esthetician, Laura Tricarico, RN, BSN, Katie Loeffler, RN, BSN.

The Loudoun Medical Group’s Stone Springs MedSpa by LMG is now open and accepting new clients.

Offering an array of non-invasive, FDA-approved rejuvenation services and medical-grade skincare products, clients are invited to visit the newly renovated space at 24430 Stone Springs Blvd., Suite 100A in Dulles.

“We have designed a beautiful space for those who seek to look and feel their very best,” said Mary Beth Tamasy, Chief Executive Officer of Loudoun Medical Group in a prepared statement.

Specialized treatments include light and laser treatments, hair reduction services, injectables and dermal fillers, as well full face and body contouring.

Esthetician services include eyelash lifting and tinting, facials, chemical peels, dermaplaning treatments, skincare consultations and product recommendations to support clients’ goals.

To learn more about Stone Springs MedSpa by LMG visit StoneSpringsMedSpa.com or call 703-858-3070.

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